LUXOR S.p.a., with the aim of ensuring the utmost safety of all individuals present, while pleased to welcome you within the Montichiari facilities, kindly requests that you strictly adhere to the following behavioral rules.

After obtaining the appropriate identification badge from the Reception personnel, please await instructions while awaiting the person who will accompany the visitor within the premises.

The accompanying person will be responsible for the visitors during their entire stay within the facilities, up until the moment of their departure.

Should the visitor be accompanied by individuals unrelated to the visit, the latter may wait in the designated waiting areas as indicated by the accompanying person. In the case of minor family members, they are by no means allowed to access the premises and must wait in the waiting areas.


  • Smoking or using open flames is prohibited.
  • Taking photographs or recording videos is not allowed.
  • Touching machines or equipment is prohibited.
  • Adhere to the instructions of the accompanying person, and when required, wear the provided personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Do not access departments, warehouses, or external areas without proper accompaniment.
  • Respect signage and avoid passing through the operating range of forklifts and overhead cranes.
  • Within the departments, use the designated pathways marked with floor signage.
  • Maintain an appropriate distance from shelves, equipment, and operating machinery.
  • Observe internal signage.


In case of an emergency, follow the instructions provided by the emergency personnel and company supervisors.

Emergency exit routes are indicated on accessible company maps.

Stay calm, avoid running, and follow the emergency exit routes. Proceed to the assembly point, assisting individuals in need.

For any necessary communication or emergency notifications, please contact the designated company personnel or the reception.


It is strictly forbidden for drivers, suppliers, customers, representatives, or agents to enter the warehouses and facilities alone.
Every visitor must always be accompanied, for the entire duration of the internal visit, by luxor spa personnel.

Access to the facilities is not permitted for contractors (self-employed workers or employees of a contracting company) who do not visibly display the identification badge (containing a photograph, worker’s details, worker’s tax code, and employer’s information) and do not wear personal protective equipment (PPE).